The program
Access to meeting room and internet.
- Welcome from 12th Forum Chair - Christian Panigl, VIX
- Explanation of Forum Programme
- Introduction from Kurtis Lindqvist, Netnod (Forum host)
- Introduction from Secretariat - Serge Radovcic, Euro-IX
One representative from each attending IXP will be asked to
introduce themselves and give a very brief summary of
developments/issues within their IXP.
Please keep this to less than one minute per IXP.
Our Patrons will then be given the opportunity to do the same.
- IEEE HSSG Update – Henk Steenman, AMS-IX
- Swedish University Network - Per Nihlen, NORDUnet
- DWDM in IXP infrastructure – Stefan Jakob, DE-CIX
- Patching at your collocations:
- Shinji Morikawa of JPNAP
- Daniel Melzer of DE-CIX
- Chris Malayter of Switch and Data
- Colocation updates:
- Richard Yule of LINX
- Job Witteman of AMS-IX
An opportunity for IXP participants to share some insights as to what they like, dislike and wish for in an IXP today.
Representatives from both Microsoft and Telenor will be sharing and discussing their views with us.
- Profit making in a not-for-profit environment – John Souter, LINX
- Experiences at Netnod – Nurani Nimpuno, Netnod
18:20 - Meet at the front of Clarion Hotel
18:30 - Walking from hotel to the boat
Welcome drinks, guided tour and dinner at Stockholm's famous Vasa Museum.
22:30 - First bus back to the Clarion Hotel
23:15 - Last back back to the Clarion Hotel
Museum website:
1. Opening
2. Agenda approval
3. Approval of 13th GM minutes
4. Presentation and approval of the Euro-IX Annual report for 2007
5. Aob & Next GM
6. Closing
- Online survey questions
- Route servers: (Experiences, pros and cons) Tomas Marsalek of NIX.CZ
- Route server experiences
- Arnold Nipper of DE-CIX
- Henk Steenman of AMS-IX
- Nick Hilliard of INEX
- Alexander Ilin of MSK-IX
- Impact on IXPs of the Commission's proposed changes to the Regulatory Framework
- Other regulatory affairs issues
- Secure RANCID replacement & new helpful tools – Wolfgang Hennerbichler of VIX
- sFlow update – Daniel Melzer of DE-CIX
- sFlow update – Mike Hughes of LINX
- iBGPlay - Francesco Ferreri of NaMeX
- Euro-IX IXP BCP document discussion – Daniele Arena of NaMeX
- IPv6 migration and monitoring - Kurtis Lindqvist of Netnod
- Round up from sessions
- Open mike
- Thank you
- Final announcements