The program
Last of two busses from Hotel Gresham to venue!
- Introduction from INEX (Forum host)
- Introduction from IDA (Meeting facility host)
- Introduction from Foundry Networks (Forum sponsor)
- Introduction from Secretariat
Opportunities, Dependencies and Issues
An interactive workshop aimed at:
- providing an overview of the market generally in Europe
- exploring the extent to which the state of this market affects our business
- sharing experiences on formulating strategies and relationships with colocation providers
- identifying opportunities for providing value added services evaluating whether the current trends amongst colocation providers of providing more and more managed services detracts from IXP services
'Layer two connections at IXPs'
This will be a panel discussion concerning IXP policy withregard to L2/pseudowire connections. Results of a membersurvey on this topic will also be presented.
What is the business model for regional IXP's?
This working group is intended to give us more insight in the drivers behind 'regional IXP's'. In a panel with reps of these regionals, we will be discussing issues like:
- funding
- customer/member requirements
- service offering
- relationship with 'national IXP'
High Performance & High Availability Switching for IXPs
This presentation covers new architectures and capabilities innovated by Foundry Networks in their 5th generation products.These innovations are aimed at:
- increasing the capacity and scalability of IXPs
- providing the port density enabling rapid IXP growth
- addressing the growing concerns over power consumption and cooling
- effectively providing a solid foundation for increasing availability and security
Jacobs Ladder Restaurant
4 Nassau Street
1. Opening
2. Agenda approval
3. Approval of 9th GM minutes
4. Presentation and approval of the Euro-IX Annual report for 2005
5. Euro-IX Patronage Proposal
6. Aob & Next GM
7. Closing
Main room
- BCP on LAN peering network announcements - Simone Morandini MIX
- Cisco Technology status - Tomas Marsalek NIX.CZ
- Colocation requirements - Tomas Marsalek NIX.CZ
- Scaling the AMS-IX infrastructure - Henk Steenman AMS-IX
Foyer Room
ENUM: opportrunities at IXPs?
- Content provider test bed issues - Kurtis Lindqvist Netnod & Cara Mascini AMS-IX
- Owning a housing location - Job Witteman AMS-IX
- Route aggregation script - Mike Hughes LINX
- Rancid - Arnold Nipper DE-CIX
- Quagga for IXP route servers – Mike Hughes LINX
- Bird routing daemon - Ondrej Filip NIX.CZ
- BGP Tools at NaMeX - Daniele Arena NaMeX
- Regulatory issues: 'EP CIP' - Malcolm Hutty Euro-IX
- Euro-IX Benchmarking Club - John Souter LINX
- Euro-IX website update
- Round up from Parallel sessions
- Open mike
- Thank you
- Final announcements
- Bus to Dublin Airport
- Bus to Hotel Gresham