Forum Host and Sponsor Guide


Are you interested in hosting a Euro-IX Forum?

We aim to give potential hosts and sponsors a clear idea on what is expected if they are interested in hosting or sponsoring a Euro-IX Forum.
The questions in various sections present a way for Euro-IX to understand and help all parties concerned during the initial phases with regards to either hosting or sponsoring a Euro-IX forum.

General Information & FAQ's

The hotel should be around one hour from an international airport. We have now 69 affiliated Internet Exchanges from over 50 different countries, and therefore we need to make the travel to the forum as easy as possible for the majority of our attendees.

Euro-IX encourages the host to find a locally subsidised venue such as a university, chamber of commerce office, etc. to reduce costs and to avoid restrictions that may be put in place by hotels.

In your proposal, please provide:

  • URL to the proposed meeting venue and hotel location(s)
  • Information on the meeting venue and hotel location (How far are they from your main international airport and other major transport facilities?)
  • Conference package price (for 2 days of conference, with 1 lunch and 2 coffee breaks per day)
  • Accommodation group rates for single and double occupancy

Accommodation booking:

  • 30 rooms on Saturday
  • 100 rooms on Sunday
  • 100 rooms on Monday
  • 30 rooms on Tuesday

NB: guideline based on prior bookings, actual numbers will vary.

Accommodation group rate:

  • Maximum €135/ room/night for single occupancy (including VAT, breakfast and wifi connection)

NB. Euro-IX will handle all costs related to the hotel room bookings (for x2 person per standard member).

  • Meeting hall to comfortably accommodate 130 attendees
  • The preferred seating style for the forum is classroom
  • Possibly one supplementary room, which seat 10+ persons for potential breakout sessions and another for approximately 25 persons for tutorials.
  • Large enough area to comfortably accommodate 130+ persons for coffee breaks and lunches
  • A registration area
  • Secure cloakroom for both jackets and luggage

Working microphone system:

  • 4 hand-free microphones for the audience
  • 2/3 hand-free headset / tie pin microphones for presenters
  • 1 Projector for presentations

2 display screens (1 for the audience; 1 for the presenter (Monitor)

  • Wi-Fi suitable for 150 persons using multiple devices

In your proposal, please state:

  • If the venue can meet all of the above requirements
  • The costs associated with hiring the venue
  • The estimated costs of hiring the required equipment

NB. If the meeting facilities costs exceed 20,000 EUR for both days combined, the extra costs will be covered by the host. Euro-IX sets aside 20,000 EUR for both days of the forum to cover:

  • Venue rental
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch breaks
  • Equipment hire (AV/Video)
  • Connectivity
  • It is ESSENTIAL that the meeting hall and immediate surrounding area offers:
  • Good wireless network connectivity for 130+ persons (each attendee will require 2 IP addresses)
  • Power outlets for all 80 attendees
  • Free use of a network printer

In your proposal, please give:

  • Confirmation of the availability of such a network to Euro-IX for the full two-day Forum period
  • Details on how this will be provided

NB. We require at least 1GB Bandwidth usage at Euro-IX. Please consider this!


  • Buffet Lunch for 110 persons on both days of the Forum.
  • Coffee, refreshments and snacks available for the full two days of the forum for 110 persons


  • Euro-IX holds 2 social gatherings during each Forum:
  • Welcome drinks with some finger food on Sunday night (from around 7PM to 10PM). The Sunday social venue should be located at a walking distance from the hotel.
  • Sit-down Dinner on Monday evening. The Monday social should be taking place no further than a 30 minutes bus ride.

In your proposal, please provide:

  • URL and details of both venues
  • Initial costs (including drinks and food) for both locations

NB. Euro-IX has a budget of 15,000 EUR for both social events. All extra costs related to the social events will be covered by the host.

  • The host must be willing and able to help find suitable accommodation, lunch facilities/caterers and a dinner venue for 130+ attendees
  • The maximum cost limit for the hotel rooms (including breakfast and taxes) should not exceed 145 EUR per room per night
  • Assistance with local transport (e.g. hiring of busses) as well as providing detailed directions to both the hotel and the forum venue
  • Have 2 staff members available during the 2 days of the forum to help with registration, network management, refreshments, handing out microphones etc.
  • An overall general feel that the IXP is willing to devote a ‘team’ to help with the logistics during the forum

In your proposal, please confirm:

  • That you can meet the above requirements
  • Who will take on the above tasks

NB. In total Euro-IX has a budget of 35,000 Euros for the Euro-IX forums.

  • If an orgainsation would like to get a taster of the Euro-IX forums, they may be allowed to partially sponsor a Euro-IX forum. This could include the venue, lunches, the network or a social.

Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Invitation of 2 representatives to attend the sponsored Euro-IX Forum
  • Logo on the forum pages of the Euro-IX website
  • Logo and text in forum guide (if published)
  • Opportunity to address the forum attendees with a short introduction (a further presentation slot may be allowed, but only if it has been approved by the forum program committee)
  • Opportunity to meet and interact with over 50 IXPs from all around the world
  • Sponsorship fee  € 5,000

NB. Finding a local sponsor is the responsibility of the forum host and Euro-IX will not be involved in the process.

In some cases the Member Host IXP may still need to find local sponsors to help cover some costs. For this purpose, hosts can be allowed to have some of the forum costs covered by local Patrons. However, this fact must be made clear in the Host’s proposal to host the forum.

NB. Finding a local sponsor is the responsibility of the forum host and Euro-IX will not be involved in the process.

As the Euro-IX member IXP’s continue to grow and develop, there is a need for Euro-IX to keep a close relationship with industry related vendors so that our member’s needs are best fulfilled now and in the future. Therefore a Euro-IX IXP Member may contact Patrons to help provide some support during a Euro-IX forum. This again can be in the form of the venue, lunches, the network or a social, contact us to discuss these opportunties.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss hosting a Euro-IX forum, please feel free to make contact with us and we will be more than willing to talk with you.