Member News
Our Member news page is the perfect place to hear about what other IXPs are getting up to. Reach out to us if you need specific information, or want to be the first to know about our latest news and developments.

Bijal Sanghani / 10-05-2023
The Internet Society (ISOC) have subbmitted their contribution to the EU consultation on the future of the electronic communications sector and it's infrastructure.

Rebecca Class-Peter/ LSIX/ 18-02-2023
We are very happy to announce a new remote member has joined the Euro-IX community - LayerSwitch Internet Exchange (LSIX).
LSIX has many point throughout The Netherlands, click to learn more the IXP and its operations.

Patricia Soria/ INEX/ 17-02-2022
In celebration of 25 years of INEX connecting networks and people, we are delighted to announce the “Solas – Celebrating Light” INEX Photography Competition.
Member News Archive (2019-2021)

Rebecca Class-Peter/ 16-12-2021
Namex announced a new Internet hub for the South last week in Bari. Namex Bari was built to improve the resilience of the Italian and international Internet, and to reduce the latency towards the contents for the Internet users in the region
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Rebecca Class-Peter/ 05-10-2021
We welcome NCL-IX to the Euro-IX Membership. NCL-IX is UK’s largest purpose-built data centre campus, connecting Newcastle to data from sub-sea & international networks and UK national and regional networks for content, ISPs and cloud.

Rebecca Class-Peter/ 20-05-2021
We welcome CIVIX in Ivory Coast to the Euro-IX Membership this month. Learn about CIVIX and its members in this post.

Rebecca Class-Peter/ 19-01-2021
The 2020 Impact Report by the Internet Society is available. The Report is a collection of stories that demonstrate the resilience of the Internet during 2020, and the people behind it, who work to strengthen and grow it.

Rebecca Class-Peter/ 9-03-2021
Namex is continuing the development of defence mechanisms to mitigate the most common routing threats with a toll called the BGPalerter. The BGPalerter is a self-configuring BGP monitoring tool – developed by Massimo Candela of NTT – which analyses streams of BGP data from various sources.

Flavio Luciani/Maurizio Goretti/Namex/19-01-2021
The panel took place at the Euro-IX virtual forum "Looking into the Future" and explored the changes taking place at IXPs new challenges and how IXPs can facilitate or provide its members with a wider range of services.

MIX Salotto 2020
- 24 Nov, 2020
An insight into the MANRS program
- 6 Oct, 2020
Lessons Learnt - Organising a Virtual Event
- 5 Oct, 2020
APIX #22 - First Fully Online Meeting
- 5 Oct, 2020

Euro-IX - ISOC Partnership
September 2020
Euro-IX and ISOC have entered into a formal partnership by the signing of a MoU on 14th July, 2020. This partnership builds on existing collaboration between the two organisations. Kjetil Otter Olsen, the Euro-IX Chair says,“This MoU extends our existing relationship to continue to promote key projects that will improve routing security via the MANRS program..."
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MANRS - IXPs and Secure Routing
September 2020
Because Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) play key roles in contributing to a more resilient and secure Internet, they should take steps to protect it. This post introduces ways to improve routing security on Route Servers, a key feature of IXPs. The MANRS IXP Programme has a specific set of actions designed for IXPs.
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New Patron - ISOC
August 2020
We are happy to announce that the Internet Society (ISOC) has joined the Euro-IX Membership as a Patron!
ISOC has collaborated with Euro-IX on many projects including sponsorship of the IXPDB and the Euro-IX Fellowship Program. This new partnership is one step further, and we welcome ISOC to the Membership!

Candian Internet Factbook
August 2020
CIRA have published the Canadian Internet Factbook. Conducted during the early weeks of Canada’s lockdown measures put in place to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19’s spread, CIRA’s Internet Factbook 2020 survey is more than just an update on our collective online behaviour – it’s a small looking glass that reflects how life has changed.
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MANRS Ambassadors
August 2020
We are very glad to inform the community that NaMeX CTO Flavio Luciani is officially a MANRS Ambassador! Ambassadors are representatives from current MANRS participant organisations who provide mentorship, guidance, and feedback to others in the routing security community. NaMeX has been an active sponsor of MANRS since 2018.
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New Look Website for IXP Manager
July 2020
* Nearly 100 IXPs around the world are Powering Peering with IXP Manager
* 110 community individuals have contributed to the IXP Manager project through GitHub
* 104 software releases over ten years
* New website located at

GR-IX Drops RPKI Invalids
July 2020
The Greek Internet Exchange (GR-IX) announced on 6th July, 2020 that their route servers are dropping RPKI invalids for both their infrastructures in Athens & Thessaloniki.
GR-IX is a neutral and independent Internet Exchange in Greece, owned and operated by GRNET (the Greek NREN).

PISAX Project
July 2020
LU-CIX along with POST Luxemburg and CIRCL/SMILE have launched the PISAX Project, which aims to to create a common pan-European Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) to support IXPs and General Packet Radio Service Roaming eXchange (GRXs) at the national, European and international level.
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Asteroids New IXP in Mombasa
February 2020
Asteroid international launches an Internet exchange point (IXP) in Mombasa, Kenya. Located in the modern, hyper connected, carrier neutral icolo facilities in Mombasa, the Asteroid IXP will enable much improved Internet interconnection in East Africa and support the region’s strong digital growth.
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The Launch of BHNIX
January 2020
The official launch of the first Internet exchange point (IXP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the BHNIX, took place 27 November 2019, at the University of Sarajevo Rectorate. Since Bosnia and Herzegovina was the only European country without an IXP, a group of professionals from relevant fields and enthusiasts started talks about establishing one.
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New Patron - CIRA
January 2020
Euro-IX welcomes new addition, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), to the community!
CIRA is best known for managing the .CA top-level domain on behalf of all Canadians. As a member-based not-for-profit organization, CIRA also develops and implements policies that support Canada's internet community, and represents the .CA registry internationally.

New Patron - Solid Optics
November 2019
Solid Optics is a global supplier of an extensive range of optical transceivers, multiplexers, OADMs and power meters, with a special focus on 100G+ solutions and dark fiber CWDM and DWDM projects. Their innovative EDFA-MUX solutions allow customers to do multiple times 10G up to 200km, and multiple times 100G up to 80km using QSFP28 DWDM optics.
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IXP-API Workshop
October 2019
IAMS-IX, DE-CIX and LINX completed a successful IX-API workshop in Amsterdam. The Sunday workshop of the 35th Euro-IX forum saw many IXPs from around the world attend, hosted by AMS-IX, DE-CIX and LINX. Whilst this is still early days in terms of developing a common external facing API for IXPs, there was clearly a great level of interest from the community.
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New Member - SLT-IX
October 2019
We are very happy to announce that Sri Lanka Telecom Internet Exchange has joined Euro-IX as a Remote Member.
SLT-IX was founded for improving the local internet experience of Sri Lankan internet community.

VSIX Joins MANRS Initiative
June 2019
VSIX is now a member of the MANRS initiative, announcing that, 'This recognition certifies our commitment to improving the security of the global Internet infrastructure'. You can view VSIX's entry here. The number of IXPs who currently participate in the initiative has increased to 32.
Learn more reaches 6T Traffic Peak!
May 2019, the Brazilian Internet Exchange, reached a 6Tb/s traffic peak in March. In 31 localities throughout the country, the initiative comprises of more than 2300 unique participants. São Paulo is the largest IXP, with more than 1720 participants that exchange more than 4,5 Tb/s.
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Asteroid and NAPAfrica sign MoU to cooperate in Africa
May 2019
Asteroid and NAPAfrica signed a MoU of cooperation on 26 September. The basis of the MoU is to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two organisations, and to collaborate on developing African Internet interconnection.
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Netnod & NIX - Transforming Peering in the Nordics
April 2019
Netnod, the leading provider of interconnection services in the Nordics, have launched of a new IX VLAN peering service connecting Norway to the rest of the Nordics, in partnership with NIX, the Norwegian Internet eXchange.
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DE-CIX: 400 Gigabit Ethernet
April 2019
DE-CIX has become the first IX in the world to offer 400 gigabit ethernet, at their Frankfurt location. This development occurred due to growing customer demand for more data capacity.
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Piter-IX Joins Euro-IX!
March 2019
We are happy to announce that Piter-IX has joined Euro-IX as an Associate Member.
Based in Russia, Piter-IX is a non-profit Internet exchange.